There is no reference of the actual meaning of this image but it depicts the myth of pandora's box where she opened the box and unleashed various aspects of evil which includes Greed, Vanity, Slander, Envy and Death but once she had closed the box only 1 remained which was hope.
What the piece means to me:
In my opinion this piece is has a dark approach to the myth but shows the myth in a very sinister way.
This image was created digitally using programs such as Photoshop or Illustrator and was created by putting a series of images and montaging them together. In my opinion this has worked well to create its meaning because creating it digitally you can dramatize those images and make them more sophisticated.
Overall Judgement:
This image shows the moment when Pandora opens the box that contains all the aspects of evil and that of hope which gets shut in the box before it can get out. In my opinion this images works well to show the myth altough it is very dark and sinister like the things the box contained before pandora unleashed them on the world.
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