Actual Meaning
I cannot find a reference to the actual meaning of this image.
What it means to me:
this image has a feel that the grim reaper has a sense of priority over all living creatures. Although the artist has used a rabbit in order to create this sense of priority it also gives a sense of fear. i also like how the artist has surrounded the grim reaper in snow but given it an autumn feel it shows the grim reaper as cold and dark.
Materials used:
Altohugh there is no reference to the materials of this image i feel it was hand drawn and then edited digitally using software such as photoshop. The materials used to convey meaning because the colours the artist has used give it a cold and dark astomsphere which adds to the sense of fear and in a way dispair.
Overall Judgement:
I feel this piece works well to show the Grim Reaper as cold, yet in a totally different setting than i would picture the grim reaper to be in.
1 comment:
hey jus so u knw i used this image aswell nd i was tlkin to the artist nd he said he didnt use ani software it was hand drawn with pen nd charcol.
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