I cannot find a reference to the actual meaning of this image.
I feel this image has a more sophisticated approach to death because the artist has included a book and quill. In a way i think this is done because he is trying to show death as the next stage of our lives as if it is a book that has not been written yet. i think the materials used help to convey the meaning because this painting looks very smooth rather than textured and it shows the shadows and highlights well which helps to show it as sophisticated.
This painted was created using oil on wood which I think that is why the image looks very smooth.
Overall judgement on the work as a piece of communication.
I feel this image works well as a piece although i feel it represent death as a different context rather than on death itself. it could also be that the actual meaning does not have any relation to death and the skull placed within this image is there for a totally different reason than I thought.
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